Hi! I'm Charlotte, Registered Dietitian, gut health specialist nutritionist.
In my late teens to early twenties, I was fed up with feeling bloated, lethargic and bunged up. It took many trips to the GP to even get heard and often the default was "We have prescribed this course of tablets" which may solve the short-term symptoms but not the long-term problem.
After several trips over many years...enough was enough, I embarked on my nutrition career and finally got the answers I needed to help my gut health.
If you like me are fed up with feeling tired, bloated, or having variable bowel habits then speaking to a trusted gut health dietitian will help you take back control of your gut health.

Take back control of your gut health
Join our registered dietitian and gut health specialist, Charlotte, on our 8-week gut health reset programme. Over the 8 weeks you will receive:
Weekly nutritional coaching calls
Weekly meal ideas and recipes
Learn tools and strategies to reset your gut health and improve your symptoms.
Walk away with a new-found knowledge of nutrition and gut health
How to have a healthy microbiome
A healthy microbiome refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in our digestive tracts. What we eat can help alter the balance of these microorganisms promoting more good bacteria.
Aim to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and fibre plus prebiotics and probiotics foods. Avoid sugar and refined foods and alcohol in large doses. For more information please ask our nutritionists who can advise the best sources of pre and probiotics for optimum gut health.
What types of digestive issues can we help with?
IBS is a common and often distressing condition to live with.
The main symptoms are stomach cramps, diarrhoea and constipation that comes and goes throughout a persons weeks.
As nutritionists though we know the role of firstly getting the right diagnosis and then advising the best diet changes that can help. If you have been suffering we are here to help.
Often individuals with IBS can see there symptoms dramatically improve by following a FODMAP programme.
The term FODMAPS stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols.
Which in simple terms means they are a collection of poorly absorbed simple and complex sugars that are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables and also in milk and wheat.
If you wish to try a FODMAP programme we can help you discover which FODMAPS make your symptoms worse and how to avoid them.
Allergies and intolerances
Have you recently been diagnosed with a food allergy, coeliac disease or a food intolerance?
Do you have immediate or sometimes delayed reactions when consuming certain foods. Typical symptoms can include: skin rash, swelling , wheezing, digestive issues feelings of nausea and vomiting.
If symptoms are severe always consult a GP first but we are on hand to guide you through the evidence based allergy testing and we will help you investigate the route cause of your symptoms.
Gut Health and Nutrition
What is IBS ?
IBS a common disorder of the gut (small and large intestines) that involves problems with movement of digested food through the intestines (motility) and how the brain interprets signals from the intestinal nerves (sensitivity). IBS is a problem that can affect all aspects of a person’s life . If you are experiencing bloating, chronic constipation or diarrhoea and have been having these symptoms on and off frequently that you may have IBS. Approximately 20% of the UK population experience IBS and these individuals may experience flare ups more than 6 times a year.
I think I have IBS now what to I do?
Firstly it is strongly advised that you see your GP as these symptoms could also be a sign of other medical conditions that your GP will need to rule out. Once you have been diagnosed please book a appointment with our specialist nutritionists and they will formulate a treatment plan based on your individual needs and symptoms.