Introducing the intuitive eating approach
By following intuitive eating principles, our expert nutrition team can help you break that cycle of yo-yo dieting. Are you always feeling hungry? and then guilty when you do it? Fed up of not enjoying food and always worrying about what you should or shouldn't be eating?
Let's help you start to develop a better realtionship with food and crucially help you feel empwered to enjoy eating again.
What is intuitive eating?
Intuitive eating is the opposite of a strict diet. Intuitive eating is a healthy eating approach that promotes positive body image and enables you to learn to trust yourself to make the best choices for you and your health.
With intuitive eating there are no strict guidelines to follow, or restricted food intake - which for anyone who has tried to consistently stick to a diet will know that dieting is not a sustainable approach.
Whats involved in intuitive eating?
Intuitive eating as an approach that focuses on how re-learning how to feel empowered about how and what to eat can help you feel healthier and stop the strict dieting cycle.
Often we have been subjected to constant messages about which diets work, or strict rules or beliefs about what foods are healthy or unhealthy. This overtime can make you feel unsure of what you should eat, and can increase your anxiety around eating.
Intuitive is a programme that follows ten principles. These principles will be covered in depth during you consultations and coaching with our nutrition team:
Principle 1:
Reject the diet mentality.
Principle 2:
Recognise your hunger
Principle 3:
Make peace with food
Principle 4:
Challenge the food police
Principle 5:
Feel your fullness
Principle 6:
Discover the satisfaction factor
Principle 7:
Learn how to cope with your feelings without using food
Principle 8:
Respect your body
Principle 9:
Exercise and feel the health benefits
Principle 10:
Look after your health with healthy eating and gentle nutrition

What are the benefits?
Break the diet cycle
Stop the restriction of diets. All that tends to happen is you crave food and some days that can be hard to avoid.
You may even find that you are now bingeing foods when you have the chance.
You may also be labelling yourself as a good or bad person just because of what you have eaten,.
This is not normal (but we understand) and we are here to help you.
Enjoy eating out again
Picture this, you are out with your friends or partner and you can choose anything on the menu.... and even have that dessert and extra glass of wine?
I know that may seem like a long way off but intuitive eating is a proven approach to help you feel at ease and crucially to start to regain your foodie passions.
Next time, you are eating out and just order that salad, or spend your whole meal starving reach out to us and see how we can help you.
Learn body positivity
We all dislike certain areas of our bodies - I mean not many people love their feet or knees right?
However, when your view of yourself is really low and you always have a negative view of yourself and your body this crucially can cause your mental health to deteriorate.
Intuitive eating uses compassionate techniques to help you start to like your bodies a bit more and not put so much focus on that perfect shape or size.
How does the intuitive eating programme work?
Understanding the programme
Intuitive eating isn't an approach that can be learnt after one session. As you can imagine often our beliefs about food have been ingrained in our views and values since childhood. To really experience the benefits of the programme we ask you to be ready to commit to 12 sessions.
Do I need to pay for 12 sessions upfront?
We really do appreciate that 12 sessions upfront is a big investment and cost. We do offer the flexibility of pay as you go and we do try and offer discounts if you can pay as you go.
Is intuitive eating suitable for everyone?
No. If you have or had a recent eating disorder this is not the programme for you. This is also not the programme for you if you are seeking strict meal plans, diets or guaranteed weight loss. - This is the opposite of that, we promote healthy living and a healthy lifestyle.